Neurofeedback by Dr. Charlene


EEG neurofeedback, or brain wave biofeedback is a non-medical, but science-based, general
training that takes advantage of the body’s natural ability to self-regulate and seek balance. Noninvasive sensors or “electrodes” are connected to specific sites on the surface of the head. The
sensors pick up brain waves and display them on a computer screen. The computer assists the
brain in recognising normal brainwave patterns and produces either visual or auditory feedback.
When the brain is producing the appropriate balance of waves, it will receive positive feedback.
When the brain is not producing the correct balance of waves, it will receive negative feedback.
The specific type of feedback you will be receiving is dependent upon the protocol. The protocol
is determined by the diagnosis which will be discussed in session.

The feedback allows the brain to learn to produce balanced, efficient brainwave patterns more frequently. This kind of training has proved to increase the strength and flexibility of the brain, thereby reducing emotional and physical difficulties, and supporting healthy brain/body functioning. Additionally, as the EEG dynamics stabilise, many improvements in mood, sleep, concentration, and behaviour can be seen.